Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Blog Free Write #3

Blog Free Write #3

Be sure to check spelling and punctuation. Remember to start a new paragraph with each new idea. Write at least 300 words. You may want to use a word document and then copy the writing into your blog. I will show you how to do this if you need help! Due Monday November 3rd by 8am.Choose one of the following prompts:

1. Write a narrative starting with the words "It was a dark and stormy night...."

2. Explain in detail your favorite Halloween or trick or treating experience. Explain who you went with, your costume, and any other details that made it your favorite/best halloween.

It was a dark and stormy night and thunder crashed overhead in the dark grey-blue sky. The yellow moon peaked through the thick clouds casting an eerie light over the ominous skeletal trees, their finger-like branches reaching up to grab the sky. At that moment a flash of white lightning lit up the scene, making shadows dance across the leaf-carpeted ground. A grey figure detached itself from the blackness.

Rain poured down my bedroom window in miniature streams distorting the yard. Was that a figure in my yard? No it couldn't have been. I must have been imagining the tall figure slithering behind the trees. I dismissed the blurry figure and flopped onto my sea foam bed thinking about the treasures I had found in the dreary, musky attic the day before.

It had been a gloomy rainy day just like today except their was no lightning or thunder. I had been extremely bored that day so I decided to explore the attic, which I rarely did. The wooden door was very heavy but I had managed to use all of my strength to force it open. The scent of antiques, dust, rotting wood, and something very old greeted me. I shivered despite the humid air that drifted out of the attic.

A small voice in my head whispered," Don't go in."

I pondered the feeble voice, but my curiosity got the best of me. I cautiously stepped into the pitch black room. My trembling fingers fumbled for the light switch. I finally found what I was looking for. A yellow light bulb on the ceiling threw light on the mountains of boxes and chests. My eyes swept over the abandoned things left here in the attic to collect dust. A golden chest caught my attention and I quickly strode over to it. I threw open the lid, suddenly eager to see what treasure lay inside it.

Pictures, lockets, and other various items were stacked on top of each other. I picked up the first picture I saw. It was in black and white and in it were two people standing in front of a house. The two figures were a woman with her hair in a neat and tidy bun and a younger girl in a bonnet. The woman's striped dress ended at her feet, a white apron covered it. The young girl's dress also ended at her feet but it was plain not striped. They both looked unhappy or worried. Wait, is that my house? I had studied the picture for quite a while and finally came to the conclusion that the house in the old photograph was my house many years before. I had decided to show the picture to my mom. I would ask her if these strange people were any of my distant relatives.

"Kelsie! Dinner time! " my mom had yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming mom!" I had replied.

I had hastily rushed down the creaky stairs. In my hurry down the attic stairs, I had accidentally dropped the old photo. Not wanting to go back and retrieve it, I had ran the rest of the way to the dining room. Something about the attic and all of it's forgotten treasures freaked me out.

Knock! Knock! I slowly rose from my bed still lost in thoughts. I pulled open the door to reveal nothing. Nobody was standing outside of my bedroom door.

"Mom?" I questioned?

"Yes Kelsie," my mom replied.

"Did you just knock on my bedroom door?" I continued.

"No I didn't," mom answered from the living room.

"Oh, ok," I mumbled, puzzled.

"Is everything all right dear?" mom inquired sounding slightly concerned.

"Of course," I muttered still confused.

Who knocked on my door? I must be imagining things again. I walked over to my bed and lay down thinking about all of the weird things that have happened within today and yesterday. Without even realizing it, I drifted into a sleep full of bewildering dreams. The main characters in my dreams were usually the woman and the young girl in the black and white picture.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. Leaping out of my bed, I opened the door and cautiously peered down the narrow hallway. I sighed in relief as I saw my mom striding towards me.

"Hey mom," I greeted her as she got nearer.

Mom's forehead was creased into fine lines and a frown dominated her features as she said,"Kelsie, there's something I want you to see,"

She abruptly turned on her heel and briskly walked away. Startled, I jogged to catch up to her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I inquired, frazzled.

"You'll see," was all she said.

Soon we were at the front door and mom was already pulling it open. We walked out onto the lawn, but everything was different. My jaw gaped open in astonishment and horror. It was the same exact scene from the picture in the attic except in color. The long grass was a yellow-brown color and a clothesline stood off to one side. Then I saw something that made me freeze in terror. It was the woman and the girl. They were staring at mom and me with the most evil, menacing smiles.

That was the last anyone ever heard of Kelsie and her mom.

Fifteen years later a young girl walks up the steps leading to the attic of her new home. Their lie an open golden chest and lying on the floor was a black and white picture. Four figures stood in front of a house. There were two women and two girls in the picture.


Bethany said...

OMG!!!! This is like the best story everrrr!! You have to write more. I want to know what happens!!


Emma :) said...

nell that is so awesome. u should definitely be an author. u rock. i wish i had the talent u did. keep it up!!!

**Nell** said...

Thanks. :)

kendal said...

that is awsome and so detailed good job!!

Amy said...

o mi god nell!!! you NEED to join power of the pen! we still need people with actual talent(like u) to join! i love all thd figurative language and sutff even tho i just read the 1st paragraph its still AMAZING!!!!!


Slawinski2008 said...

Nell- What a GREAT! Story. Watch your point of view and your tenses as they seem to shift. +9.5

Jessie said...

O GOD NELL! That was like the best story ever!!!!!!! yu are so detailed! I liked the end. Love, Pip