Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Free Write #2 (Graded)

Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas's society to write your entry.

Both sameness and difference have advantages and disadvantages. Sameness is a part of Jonas's life and community and difference is a part of our life and community.

Sameness has many things that are good about it. Sameness eliminates problems like poorness, war, bullying, starvation, and drugs. This means that people don't have the chance to make poor choices. Although it does have these positive characteristics, it also has some disadvantages. In a community that has sameness, there is no freedom. People can't make any choices; their life is routine. Personally, I believe this is a negative characteristic. People in Jonas's community can't make choices in their everyday life. They don't have the choice of what they want to wear, what their hairstyle is, what they want to do everyday, and what job they want to do when they get older. People in our community do have this choice. People in Jonas's community do the same thing every day in their life. If I could add something or take away something in Jonas's community I would add colors. I would add colors because I think colors would add more beauty to Jonas's community. It would also add more excitement because of all of the beautiful colors in the community's surroundings. I think colors would be a great addition to Jonas's community. If I could take something away from Jonas's community I would take away the fact that the people can't pick their job. I think Jonas's community would be better if everybody could pick their assignments when they turned twelve years old. This way, not many people would be unhappy or sad with their assignment. Sameness is a negative and positive characteristic of Jonas's community.

There are many advantages and disadvantages involving difference. I'll start with the good things. Difference creates things like love, happiness, color, animals, charity, and family. These are all positive things about difference. Color makes the world more enjoyable by painting it with reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, indigo, and purples. Personally, I think the world would be dull without color. Love and happiness are both feelings that are positive. Animals enrich the world with their many colors, shapes, and sizes. Family is something that most people enjoy. Family is made up of the people who love and nurture you. Without these positive aspects of life, life would be much less enjoyable. Next, I'll do the bad things. Difference also creates things like poverty, war, anger, depression, starvation, pollution, and drugs. In war, many innocent people are killed during these brutal fights. Anger is a strong emotion that people feel when they are annoyed, irritated, or frustrated. Depression is another emotion that people feel when they are down, sad, or unhappy. Pollution is yet another negative aspect that comes with difference. When people pollute they are destroying animals' habitats. If I could change two things about our community, I would take away pollution because of the harm it causes to so many animals and I would add the fact that nobody drives cars. I would add this because cars contribute to the pollution of the world. Difference is the opposite of what Jonas's community has and it is what are community has.

1 comment:

Slawinski2008 said...

Nell, +10. This is great! I love that you give really detailed examples. (and that you change the font of your writing!)