Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Write #3

What is your favorite fall activity? Who do you do the activity with? When do you do it? How do you feel? Describe the activity to me. Be as detailed as possible. Make sure that you have 300 words for this free write. Hint- Write the free write into a word document. Check the word count in the document then copy and paste it over.

My favorite fall activity is carving pumpkins around Halloween time. I usually do this activity with my twin sister, Hayley. My dad sometimes helps me take the insides out of my pumpkin. On occasion, one of my friends comes over to carve pumpkins with my sister and I. Some of my friends who have came over before to carve pumpkins with Hayley and I are Jessie and Emma. When they have come over in the past, they are happy and excited to carve pumpkins for Halloween time. I normally do this activity around Halloween time. This usually means around the middle of October or late October. Sometimes we do it even earlier than the middle of October. Sometimes we do it at the beginning of October fourth or fifth. This would be like October When I am carving pumpkins for Halloween time I feel happy or excited. I enjoy doing this activity and it is one of my favorite things to do in the fall. Before Hayley and I start carving our pumpkins, we have to buy the pumpkins. Our mom drives us to our dad's store in Concord. At his store he sells a variety of colorful flowers, trees, and plants. Sitting on the front yard are small and large pumpkins. Hayley and I browse through all of the round pumpkins until we find one that we like. Once we bring the two blank pumpkins home, our dad helps us take the mushy, seed-filled, and gooey insides of the pumpkins out. After this messy step, we draw a face in the orange pumpkin with a black permanent marker. Once our silly or scary faces are drawn onto the pumpkin's front, we begin to make the faces permanent. Sometimes are dad helps us carve the the pumpkins. We place a bright candle inside each of the carved pumpkins and we place them out on the front steps. The bright orange pumpkins look vibrant against the grey, stone, front steps. Finally are pumpkins are jack-o-lanterns. The jack-o-lanterns fit right in with the rest of our spooky Halloween decorations.


Slawinski2008 said...

+9 Nell-Good job. Try and separate into different paragraphs.

Slawinski2008 said...

+9 Nell-Good job. Try and separate into different paragraphs.